MAGRAMA) signed the sales agreement
for the verified reductions of greenhouse gas
emissions (GGEs) generated by the project
“Degasification of the controlled deposit of
solid urban waste of Gomecello (Salaman-
ca)”, chosen as a Climate Project. Over the
next four years, the Ministry will purchase the
reduction achieved of GGEs which will total
approximately 400,000 Euros.
Wager for new opportunities: the Clima-
te Projects
The Climate Projects are promoted through
the Carbon Fund for a Sustainable Economy,
, created pursuant to Act 2/2011
of 4 March, on the Sustainable Economy
Signature of the Project /Climate 2014 Project. At the centre, Susana Magro, Manager of OECC next
to Javier Rivas and Alfredo Sanchidrián of the FCC Medio Ambiente branch in Castile-León.
and governed by Spanish Royal Decree
1494/2011 of 24 October. The objective of
this initiative is to encourage the reduction
of greenhouse gas emissions in sectors not
regulated by the Emission Trading Rights UE
ETS) in Spain (“diffuse sectors”).
This incentive implies a payment for the
reduced and verified tonne of CO
which FES-CO
makes to the developers
of each of the selected Climate Projects. In
the 2014 edition, the payment was fixed at