Aerial photograph of the complex and the outli-
ne of the connected degasification system.
7.10 € per tCO
e during the first four years
of the life of the project.
If the 128 climate projects that were selected
in the first three editions, only 9% pertains
to GGE reduction initiatives at solid urban
waste treatment and elimination sites and, of
these, half were promoted by private com-
FCC is ready
FCC’s Environment Division was able to wa-
ger on the Climate Project (FES CO
) initiative
sponsored by MAGRAMA in February 2014
thanks to the work carried out in calculating
and monitoring GGEs as of 2002 with the
implementation of the EPER Register (since
2008, PRTR – European Registry of Conta-
minating Emissions and Transfers), as well
the knowledge and expertise in landfill site
decontamination and the recycling of biogas
of the waste treatment and elimination tech-
The State Registry of Contaminating Emis-
sions and Sources, PRTR, is a tool that
makes it easier for the public to have access
to information on the emission and transfers
of contaminants and waste who live outside
the area where the industrial installations are
located. It also makes it possible to monitor
the evolution of the situation, show the pro-
gress made in reducing contamination, de-
fine the priorities, and assess the progress
made. This registry applies to the landfill si-
tes that we manage and which comply with
the following specifications: “Landfill sites for
all types of waste that receive more than 10
tonnes per day or which have a total capa-
city of more than 25,000 tonnes, excluding
landfill sites for inert waste”.
The Coordination and Development De-
partment of FCC Central Services, jointly
with the direct collaboration of the managers
of the landfill sites, calculate every year the
K n o w l e d g e