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obtain a large amount of quality information

the treatment and analysis of which is ma-

king it possible to considerably improve the

services provided and the possibility of ma-

king this information available to the user

through an application for their smartpho-

nes and tablets, information that was not

put at their disposal previously.

By merely downloading this totally free app,

users in Santander will have the following at

their disposal:

Their consumption curve over their

chosen period, with a minimum one-

hour gap, which means that, ins-

tead of having 4 consumption data,

they can now have 8,760 data on an

annual basis.

Compare their consumption in the di-

fferent periods that as determined by

the users.

Compare their consumption in relation

to the average consumption in their

neighbourhood which implies an im-

portant initiative by knowing their wa-

ter expenses and to assess this situa-


Water quality data in real time.

Two-way communication in real time

between the user and FCC Aqualia.

This means that the user can send a

message or report any type of inciden-

ce and this means that FCC Aqualia

can immediately implement the pro-

tocol, and vice versa, since the app

provides the user with a mailbox for

receiving messages such as: notice of

service interruption, billings, notices on

excessive consumption, etc. (Chart 3).

The outline of the management model is as

described in Chart 4.

The urban development of cities is mo-

ving towards a future where new tech-

nologies will be completely implemen-

ted to provide more information and to

encourage the participation of all con-

sumers, all of which will result in more

efficient, smart, and sustainable cities.


Gráfico 3

Gráfico 4

The future of Smart Water

Thanks to the success and excellent ac-

ceptance of this project, the second phase

is currently being developed. This phase

involves the implementation of the sensor

system in another neighbourhood in the

city, expanding the coverage of this new

service to another 1,200 inhabitants, incor-

porating new utilities that are being prepa-

red for the app. Perhaps one day, this sys-

tem will be expanded throughout the entire

city of Santander.