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Separating waste, maintaining the sche-

dule for depositing such waste, contro-

lling the consumption of water and other

changes are key steps for reducing CO


emissions. That is the way things are

being done in Ávila, the first city in Spain

where FCC is working on assessing

the load of carbon dioxide emissions of

companies and individuals.

Catherine Milhau, manager of the Coor-

dination and Development Department

of FCC Citizen Services, unveiled this

initiative at the 18th Seminar on Inno-

vation and Sustainability, “The Envi-

ronmental Footprint in Urban Services”

which was organized last March in Ávila,

jointly with the city’s mayor, Miguel Ángel

García Nieto.

In her speech, “Ecoefficient Manage-

ment of Services”, Milhau explained the

Company’s work on the study of the

environmental footprint produced by the

Citizens, companies and authorities of Ávila

committed to the reduction of CO



emissions of the landfill sites managed by

the company in order to report these to the

State Registry of Contaminating Emissions

and Sources (PRTR).

The quality of the results obtained has im-

proved over the years and as a result of the

experience acquired thanks to the use of

calculation methods based on internationally

recognised prestigious models that make it

possible to align the model to the specific

characteristics of each waste elimination

installation. These calculation methods have

been certified by several scientific entities

such as the Centro de Investigaciones Ener-

géticas, Medioambientales and Tecnológi-

cas (CIEMAT), Universidad Autónoma de

Madrid and Universidad de Huelva.

The protocol for monitoring and for analysing

the information gathered at each landfill site,

in-depth and personalised, enables us to

calculate with precision the future produc-

tion of methane gas. In this way, we can de-

tect those facilities with high energy potential

and wager on viable biogas energy recovery

that make it possible to reduce greenhouse

gas emissions and promote the generation

of renewable energy.

The chart below shows the trend in the re-

duction of greenhouse gas emissions and

energy generated from biogas at the landfill

sites managed by FCC Medio Ambiente in


Monitoring all of these parameters will ensu-

re the implementation of a strategy for redu-

cing the carbon footprint of the organization,

reliably and efficiently, in which methane

emissions correspond to 43% of Scope 1.

daily waste collection, street cleaning,

gardening, irrigation, and other activities

in a city. The aim of this project, promoted

by the European Commission as part of

the European Covenant of Mayors, is to

reduce CO


emissions to air by 20% by

the year 2020.

The FCC executive highlighted the impor-

tance of education and residents’ invol-

vement in preventing emissions. “Measu-

ring the carbon footprint in ode to reduce

greenhouse gas emissions, besides

representing an environmental improve-

ment for companies and the population,

is also economical”, she underscored.

For many years, the Citizen Services

Group has been involved in sustainable

development, a commitment that, as Mil-

hau explained, can be “confirmed quan-

titatively and is not a mere philosophical


The European Compact of Mayors aims

to encourage the cities and towns of the

European Union to improve their ener-

gy efficiency, increase the production of

renewables, and improve the manage-

ment of urban solid waste by reducing



emissions to air by 20% by the year

2020. This compact is, therefore, a politi-

cal commitment to achieve a reduction of



emissions jointly with other players.