Smart Water
Pioneer and unique water management project in Europe
FCC Aqualia has been providing services
to Santander pursuant to an administrati-
ve concession agreement dating back to
1 April 2006. The objective of the above-
mentioned agreement is the administrative
concession for the management of the city
of Santander’s Water Supply and Sewerage
Service for a 25-year period.
This service is provided to 100,050 clients
and supplies water to a population of ap-
proximately 178,500 inhabitants in San-
tander. In the nearly nine years of activities
in Santander, FCC Aqualia, jointly with the
City Council of Santander, has made ma-
jor investments for improving, enlarging,
and upgrading the infrastructures and in
technological implementations that have
resulted in a significant improvement of the
services provided.
Over the past few years, the City Council of
Santander has been promoting technologi-
cal innovation as an essential aspect for the
city’s economic development. These efforts
in the water sector have resulted in the
Smart Water Santander Project, developed
by FCC Aqualia, which implies an extraor-
dinary step forward in water management.
Example of the management change
(Chart 1)
During the first half of 2014, a project was
implemented in a pilot neighbourhood with
more than 1,100 clients (about 5,000 users)
which are benefiting from this new service
since the project, implemented here al-
most a year ago, is completely finished and
100% in operations.
The deployment of a network of sensors,
whose data are hosted in a software plat-
form, makes it possible to predict the
performance of the supply and sanitation
Nueva Montaña pilot zone where the Smart
Water project was deployed.
Gráfico 1