As follows from the aforementioned, FCC’s
Environment Division has the experience
and the appropriate tools for promoting the
“Degasification of the controlled deposit of
solid urban waste of Gomecello (Salaman-
ca)” project and see its project selected in
the “Climate Project 2014” edition.
Technical description of the “Dega-
sification of the controlled deposit of
solid urban waste of Gomecello (Sala-
The CTR landfill site in Gomecello is owned
by GIRSA (Consorcio para la Gestión Inte-
gral de los Residuos Sólidos de la Provincia
de Salamanca) and is operated by FCC. This
landfill site contains 598,516 tonnes which
have be dumped there from 2007 to 2013,
estimating a figure of 1,038,760 for 2018.
These tonnes of waste contain a percentage
of biodegradable material that could produ-
ce methane under anaerobiosis conditions.
Under the current pre-project conditions,
methane produced by the breakdown of the
waste is sent to the atmosphere since this
landfill site does not have an active system
for capturing biogas.
The objective of the project is to capture the
biogas produced at the landfill site of the
Gomecello waste treatment plant (WTP).
The entire zone of the waste deposited
from 2007 to 2013 will be degasified over
the coming years. This will be performed by
drilling new vertical wells and/or by digging
horizontal wells to maximise the capture of
biogas in the entire site. The system of inter-
connected wells will channel the biogas to a
collection station for its subsequent energy
recovery and the surplus gas will be burned
in a torch. These biogas combustion system
will oxidise the methane within the system
thereby preventing emissions to air.
In order to decide the most suitable solution
for treating the biogas at the WTP in the Go-
mecello landfill site, tests were performed at
the site last June based on preliminary stu-
dies to learn about the energy potential of the
biogas and determine its possible recovery,
also learning about the needs of the electrici-
ty generation engine at the biomethanisation
plant and the energy consumption of the
waste treatment plant. The conclusion arri-
ved at was that approximately 10% of the
biogas could be recovered and the rest will
be burned, although this is just a preliminary
estimate and there could be more could be
Based on these preliminary studies and
the information obtained in the test, a pro-
ject for degasifying the landfill site has been
designed with the technical advice of the
Treatment and Elimination of Waste De-
partment of FCC Medio Ambiente and the
work to be performed has been awarded to
the company Inbiogás.
K n o w l e d g e