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Strong landing in


380 million

euros contract

for the El Salitre

Corporación Autónoma Regional (CAR) de

Cundinamarca selected the FCC Aqualia-

led consortium for the design, construction

and operations of the El Salitre wastewater

treatment plant, in Bogotá, Colombia, in

the project put out to tender where many

major international companies specialising

in these types of projects participated.

Once completed, the plant will be able to

treat 600,000 cubic metres of water per

day (m


/day) and will provide services to

three million residents. Valued at 380 mi-

llion euros, it is the biggest contract ever

awarded to FCC Aqualia in South America

and represents the Company’s first ventu-

re in Colombia.

The enlargement of the El Salitre wastewa-

ter treatment plant implies a complex tech-

nical challenge since it means increasing

the treatment capacity from 4 m



to the 7.1 m


/s target. Furthermore, the fact


320 wastewater

treatment plants

As a company specialising in the de-

sign, construction and operation of

all types of sanitation infrastructures,

FCC Aqualia manages 320 was-

tewater treatment plants in four con-

tinents. The Company significantly

contributes to improving the lives of

the people in the communities whe-

re it operates. Coupled with its ex-

perience in treatment and sanitation

projects, the Company conducts

various R+D+I activities to be able

to apply new technologies in these


In the photo, a panoramic view of the city of Bogotá.

FCC Aqualia was

chosen for the design,

construction, and

operations of the

El Salitre treatment plant

that will provide services

to nearly 3 million

residents in Colombia’s

capital and will contribute

to the decontamination of

the River Bogotá

Worth 380 million euros,

this is biggest contract

awarded to date to FCC

Aqualia in South America

that the plant occupies the former grounds

of an old landfill site requires innovative

technical solutions. In this respect, FCC

Aqualia’s project contemplates the use of

more than 300 km of piles for the founda-

tion of the new plant.

The El Salitre wastewater treatment plant

project is part of the “Adecuación Hidráu-

lica y Recuperación Ambiental del Río Bo-

gotá” mega-project that is being carried out

since 2012 by CAR de Cundiamarca. The

aim is to minimise the odours generated by

the wastewater treatment in the north and

central part of the capital city of Colombia.

This will benefit the nearly three million resi-

dents. Furthermore, part of the treated wa-

ter will be used in the La Ramada irrigation

district in the nearby towns of Cota, Funza,

Mosquera and Soacha.

This will ensure that water that is treated

and disinfected at the El Salitre plant can

be used for agriculture and cattle-raising

purposes without implying a risk for public

health. The most important benefit of this

project, however, will be that it will con-

tribute to decontaminating the River Bo-

gotá. Improvement of the sanitation and

treatment is one of the objectives defined

by the United Nations in the Millennium De-

velopment Goals (MDGs).

The other companies in the consortium led

by FCC Aqualia are Aktor, a Greek com-

pany specialising in the construction of

major infrastructures, and the Colombian

company Cass. The project is to be tota-

lly completed in 60 months. The Design,

Build, and Operate (DBO) contract is to

be completely funded by the International

Bank for Reconstruction and Development

(IBRD). The technical specifications and

sum of this project makes it the most im-

portant one ever awarded to FCC Aqualia

in South America and bolsters its positio-

ning in LATAM, one of FCC Aqualia’s target


wastewater treatment plant in Bogotá