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FCC Aqualia launches the “Switch to the e-
invoice!” campaign aimed at increasing by
one million, within one year, the number of
e-invoices to replace the traditional paper
invoices. With this initiative, the Company
expects to reduce the cost of paper and to
minimise the impact on the environment.
As an example, 17 trees and 100,000 litres
of water are required to produce one ton of
paper. We can reduce this environmental
cost by replacing paper invoices with elec-
tronic invoices.
The campaign will be conducted through
all of the Company’s communication chan-
nels: offices, aqualiacontact (CAC), websi-
te, paper invoice (the back page of Infoa-
qualia), emailing to all clients registered in
“Switch to the
Aqualia online, and through @FCCAqualia
corporate twitter account.
In order to reach users and inform them
of the many advantages of the e-invoice,
FCC Aqualia has designed several pro-
motional items for each channel (panels,
fliers, desktop posters for the offices, sales
script for employees and e-mailings; web
banners, etc.). In addition, to encoura-
ge clients to use the e-invoices, the first
50, 70 and 100 to do so, depending on
the size of the office, will receive an eco-
friendly bag. Each month, the Company
The Company launches
the “Switch to
the e-invoice!” campaign,
convinced of its
economic and
environmental benefits
FCC Aqualia aims
to increase by one million the number
of e-invoices sent to clients