nes. The new facilities will sort all of the
waste collected in the single recycling con-
tainer into different categories.
The plant will recycle and give thousands of
tonnes of paper, cardboard, glass, plastic,
metals, etc., produced by the citizens of
Dallas, back to the market, thereby retur-
ning it to the production cycle.
FCC has extensive experience with similar
plants in several countries across the world,
with over 50 facilities currently available and
similar to the proposal for the Texan city.
Following the recent contract awarded to
the Citizen Services Group in Orange Cou-
nty (Florida), the first Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW) collection contract given to a Spa-
Processing capacity:
Up to 120,000 tons/year in single
stream processing.
25,000 tons/year of commercial
Term of the contract: 15 years, ex-
tendable for another 10.
Main recycled items:
OCC (old corrugated cardboard).
ONP (old newspaper pulp).
Plastic containers: PET and PEAD.
Metal containers.
Key figures
nish company in the US, and the biosolids
management contract in Houston and the
end of 2014, this award consolidates FCC’s
aim to launch their services in North Ameri-
ca where they plan to capitalize on their
100+ years’ experience in the environmen-
tal services sector across the world.
The new facilities will
sort all of the waste
collected in the single
recycling container into
different categories