The first ELAN
wastewater treatment system is
already functioning in Spain
After several years of functioning at a pilot
scale in the Vigo and Guillarei (Pontevedra)
wastewater treatment plants, the construc-
tion of the ELAN
system in the latter was
completed successfully. The delivery of the
work was witnessed by Juan Pablo Barrio
(department manager at Augas de Galicia)
representing the Administration; Rufino Ro-
dríguez (manager of Consorcio de Augas
do Louro); and, Enrique Cabaleiro (the ma-
In the photo, from left to right: Miguel Payá; Pablo Fernández, engineer at Augas de Galicia; Juan Pa-
blo Barrio; Roberto Fernández; Ramiro Gutiérrez; Enrique Cabaleiro; David Soneira; Rufino Rodríguez;
and Nicolás Morales.
yor of Tui). FCC Aqualia was represented by
Roberto Fernández (manager of Depura-
ción de Galicia); Ramiro Gutiérrez (head of
the Guillarei WWTP); David Soneira (head of
Production at the Pontevedra and A Coruña
branch offices); Nicolás Morales (member
of the Innovation department; and, Miguel
Payá (Project manager).
Work is currently being carried out on
system by the Innovation De-
partment team, the employees of the Gui-
llarei WWTP, and by the Production team
in Galicia.
Patented by FCC Aqualia,
the ELAN
significantly reduces energy
consumption and sludge
wastewater treatment