Antonio Carballo,
general supervisor of FCC
Helios García Asensio,
Safety, Health and Environment manager
Rafael García and Antonio Carballo, on the left, with
another member of the team.
How many people are working at the
In April 2014, we had a peak at 1,660 wor-
kers and the monthly average number is
about 1,200 workers.
Can you describe the safety and health
The Safety Plan for this project addressed
the client’s strict requirements and we had
to develop an Integrated Safety and Health
at Work Management System and imple-
ment an entire health unit to provide the
project with the means to be self-sufficient
in case of need, including assistance, me-
dical staff, an ambulance, etc.
In terms of the environment, what
steps did you take?
We developed an Environment Plan as an
in-house management system.
How do you work? What is it like day-
We cannot forget where we are. It is an area
that the client assigned to us to execute the
project in a port in operations and in an in-
teresting part of the country where we are
responsible for everything, including access
control. We had to provide the project with
the necessary mechanisms to ensure that
the work was carried out correctly, in libe-
rated areas, interferences with operating
areas of the client. We implemented an
operational control in line with these requi-
Of what actions are you proud?
Participating in an innovative project that
allows us, through the mechanisms that
we established, to execute the project sa-
fely, increase the level of training and the
commitment of the personnel at the project
through our incentive programs and the
end-of-the month awards.
How long have you been in Lima?
From the start of the project, that is, two
and a half years.
How would you rate your experience?
Positive. The project has enriched me as a
professional, has made me grow. It was a
challenge at first. The project is technically
difficult because of the use of the Coffer-
dam and this made us demand more of
What does working in this project
mean to you?
At the beginning, it was very difficult. We
had to convince the client that we were
able to execute the project and that the
HSE department was capable of meeting
the requirements and that working together
we would be able to bring the project to a
successful conclusion.
What was it like to go abroad to work?
It was not the first time since I worked in
Switzerland for 12 years. Nevertheless, the
experience in Peru has been different and,
overall, it has been a positive experience.
Have you noticed much difference in
the workers/resources at work here in
comparison to Spain?
It is more difficult here to be in contact with
employees with a high level of specialisa-
tion. The ancillary technical resources are
more limited or difficult to obtain on time.
Adaptation has been difficult.
The best of these two years at the project:
Working together with the project team.
Using new work equipment, the Cofferdam,
and being able to ensure its positive per-
The worse of these two years at the project.
A family issue: distance. The project requi-
res a large workload and having the family
here and not being able to spend much
time with them is difficult.