All energy variables are detected
and stored in a database thereby
enabling the subsequent use of the-
se variables to constantly improve
the efficiency of the installation.
In the event of failure of the Dánae
system, lighting would be contro-
lled again as pre-established in the
SCADA system since the entire ins-
tallation is parallel to the one installed
Since Dánae is a universal system, it is
compatible with any lighting installation
in tunnels. It is designed in such a way
that it can control any types of lighting
systems, including LED. Likewise, data
on the lighting strategy applied and mea-
surement variables are stored and can be
communicated to SCADA, the software
that makes it possible to control and su-
pervise industrial processes at a distance,
since the protocol used is open and can be
integrated easily.
This new system includes a web applica-
tion that enables the client to check data,
generate charts, and constantly improve
the efficiency of the installation. The appli-
cation can be accessed with a username
and password from any point with internet
access. This tool will be very useful for the
manager of the energy in the tunnel when
making decisions on the lighting strategy to
be implemented.
Mantenimiento de Infraestructuras, S.A.
(Matinsa), an FCC Group company foun-
ded in 1992, is the leader in the Spanish
infrastructure conservation market. Its
activities include all areas related to the
conservation of major infrastructures (ro-
ads, railways, water works, and forest
Leader in the
Spanish market