The improvement of sanitation and water
purification systems is one of the goals set
by the United Nations in its Millennium De-
velopment Goals (MDG).
FCC Aqualia, a company specialised in the
design, construction and operation of all
types of sanitation infrastructure, operates
320 wastewater treatment plants in four
continents. In this regard, the company sig-
nificantly helps to improve the quality of life
in areas where it works.
Along with its experience in sanitation and
purification projects, the company works
on different R+D+I initiatives to apply new
technologies to these processes.
The Abu Rawash plant,
one of the largest ones in
the world, which will treat
1.6 million cubic metres of
water daily, is the second
contract awarded to the FCC
subsidiary in Egypt and
will provide service to 5.5
million people