G u e s t
c o l u m n
FCC Medio Ambiente joins
the “One million commitments for the climate”
in order to promote responsible commitments
beyond the professional sphere
thanks to the improvement in our balance
sheet of our environmental externalities.
To meet this challenge, we must count on
the participation of our 24,495 collabora-
tors. Consequently, in-house training is the
ideal way for transferring and disseminating
to our stakeholders, through the exposition
of practical and reference cases resulting
from our business experience, what each
can do to achieve the commitments defi-
ned by the organization in relation to:
the efficient use of energy and water
the reduction of greenhouse gas emis-
the transformation of waste into resou-
the protection of biodiversity;
Promote responsible commitments
beyond the professional sphere
To make its objectives and priorities more
ambitions, FCC Medio Ambiente has also
introduced an integrating goal in its Com-
prehensive Training Plan. Following the na-
tional initiatives promoted to accompany
the preparation of the international agre-
ement on climate change, including FCC
Group’s membership in the Spanish Green
Growth Group, the organzation wants its
direct collaborators and the employees
of the FCC Group, to participate volun-
tarily and with a spirit of solidarity in the
“One million commitments for the climate”
campaign at the invitation of the Ministry
of Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
jointly with ECODES. It represents a collec-
tive challenge with the goal of contributing
to create awareness among the public on
climate change in view of the celebration of
the United Nations Conference on Climate
Change (COP21) which will be held next
December in Paris.
The training sessions based on FCC Me-
dio Ambiente’s commitment to promote
among the entire organization the respon-
sible environmental behaviour of its teams
and on its solidarity with the initiative “One
million commitments for the climate”, will
be organized around a series of eight
modules in order to transmit knowledge,
create awareness, involve, share expe-
rience, and communicate to third parties
or creation of values.
The modules, the design of which is ba-
sed on the same structure, set out the
guidelines to enable each collaborator, re-
gardless of the service provided or the job,
to assess his level of involvement in order
to comply with the objectives of the Com-
prehensive Training Plan, for purposes of
the organization as well as external ones:
Act and collaborate as an environmen-
tally responsible agent in keeping with
the corporate commitment.