Identificar Identify and know the positive
and negative impacts of my professio-
nal actions on the environment.
Be part of an aware group, sharing
common objectives and those of gene-
ral interest.
Contribute and share my suggestions
based on my professional experience.
Periodically evaluate and analyse
(throughout the term of the contract)
with my hierarchy the impact of the su-
ggested improvements and good prac-
Transmit an exemplary behaviour to the
Participate in disseminating and de-
monstrating responsible actions.
Collaborate voluntarily and with a spi-
rit of solidarity in an initiative and group
challenge: One million commitments for
the climate”.
Adopt new lifestyles and behaviours:
combine my efforts with those of other
Contribute to the sustainable preser-
vation of energy, water resources and
In addition to the previously described ob-
jectives, it should also be mentioned that the
training will increase the qualification of the
teams in new aspects that are often ignored,
and will encourage the appearance of new
profiles such as: observer, monitor, educa-
tor, environmental agent.
The qualifications of our staff will support
the implementation of the new environmen-
tal counselling service offered to our clients,
highlighting the effect of the returns obtained
from the sustainable environmental manage
on our surroundings and on the communi-
ty where we operate. All of this can also be
assessed and demonstrated based on the
calculation of the carbon footprint ad of the
intensity indicators defined for each of the
services rendered.
Lastly, we are committed to a participative
training model that will have an impact on
our creation of values, the benefits of which
will redound in favour of the fight against cli-
mate change.
Organization of the training course
The Comprehensive Training Plan is part of
the general framework of the general cour-
se plan proposed by the organization for its
employees. Training will be in classrooms
and on-line. The duration of the sessions
has been adapted to the profile of each
participant (management, middle manage-
ment, and operators).
The Company’s technical experts (from
central services and branches) will be tea-
ching the courses. The evaluation sessions
have been distributed throughout the term
of the contract according to a frequency
that will be aligned to the needs of each
service contract. Sessions for updating
knowledge will be held in order to keep em-
ployees up to date on the progress achie-
ved by the organization.
The information material supporting the tra-
ining will be distributed among participants
in a pen drive and can be consulted for the
online sessions at the S.E.D.R.U.S.® “Lu-
cha contra el cambio climático” portal of
the corporate intranet. The guidelines and
links for accessing and collaborating with
the “One million commitments for the cli-
mate” will be disseminated via the intranet.
FCC Medio Ambiente wishes to express its
appreciation to the Ministry of Agriculture,
Food, and the Environment and ECODES
for authorizing the reproduction of icono-
graphic material (pictographs and logos)
The start of the street cleaning service in October 2015 in San Sebastian, extended
last July, will be the first to launch the Comprehensive Training Plan for the entire staff
consisting of 21 technicians and managers and 200 operators. This group of 221
employees, also citizens, will head the collaboration that FCC Group employees, on
an individual basis, have agreed to provide to the initiative
“One million commitments for the climate”.
The sustainable change dynamics, necessary for a real
ecological conversion or change, should count with res-
ponsible and committed behaviour within a group fra-
mework where corporate strategies will certainly play
a role within their immediate circles of influence as well
outside this close circle (employees, clients, citizens,
suppliers) by being an example of their commitments and
Responsible employees with a spirit
of solidarity to join a group challenge
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Comprehensive Plan
for a sustainable