It is the largest contract awarded in the his-
tory of the water management subsidiary
of the Citizen Services Group, considering
that it will involve a business portfolio for the
consortium worth 2.4 billion euros.
Abu Rawash is one of the fastest growing
zones of Cairo. It is situated eight kilometres
northeast of the Giza plateau and north of
the Memphis necropolis. The Abu Rawash
wastewater treatment plant is north of the
southernmost pyramid in Egypt, the pyra-
mid of the Pharaoh Djedefre, currently in
ruins. This pharaoh was the son and suc-
cessor of the pharaoh Cheops and was the
only one of the fourth dynasty to choose
this zone for building his mortuary temple.
There are also several pre-dynasty cemete-
ries of the Ancient Empire and the Greco-
Roman period. It seems that this pyramid
was the higher than the three pyramids in
Giza and its stones were used later to build
the city of Cairo.
It is a build-operate-transfer contract with
an investment of more than 500 million
euros. The scope of the investment works
includes the expansion of the biological
treatment facilities in the current primary
treatment plant with a capacity for 1.2 mi-
llion cubic metres and the scaling-up to 1.6
FCC Aqualia will be building a large wastewater
treatment plant a few kilometres from Cairo
Abu Rawash,
land of pharaohs
The company secures
its largest contract ever in Egypt
worth 2.4 billion euros
Djedefre, pyramid, currently in ruins.