By: Catherine Milhau
Manager of the Coordination and Development
Department of FCC Medio Ambiente
Launching of the
training plan
of the Environment Division
The Environment Division of the FCC Group
recently prepared a Comprehensive Trai-
ning Plan to inform and to build awareness
among its collaborators on the measures
that will make it possible to improve and
consolidate sustainable environmental ma-
nagement in the services in our everyday li-
ves and regardless of our function within the
This Comprehensive Training Plan rounds
up the range of initiatives developed as part
of the sustainable development strategy of
FCC Medio Ambiente that was initiated in
2005 The methodologies and systems de-
veloped in collaboration with scientific orga-
nizations in order to define and calculate the
significant environmental performance indi-
cators of our activities have provided the or-
ganization with reliable tools verified by third
parties in order to improve management of
our impact on the environment, as shown
in the results achieved in the past few years
in the aspects most directly associated with
the fight against climate change.
In terms of energy efficiency, there was a
nearly 6% improvement in self-consumption
of the energy generated and 17% in the con-
sumption of energy from alternative sources
in the solid urban waste treatment plants.
It was possible to reduce on an overall basis
3.3% of greenhouse gas emissions (GGE).
Landscaped urban areas to be protected
and conserved increased 12.6% although
the source of 60% of water used for irrigation
is the network and, therefore, we will have to
find solutions to promote the use of water
from alternative sources. In economic terms,
the positive externalities increased 2.4%
while the negative ones dropped 1.7%.
Nevertheless, and despite the achieve-
ments as a result of good practices, the
implementation of the best available tech-
nologies and the new design of the services
that we offer our clients, we must continue
to advance on the road of continuous im-
provement that will affect the quality of life
of the 27.1 million citizens to whom we pro-
vide services in 3,383 Spanish municipali-
ties and also on our profit and loss account
Teams prepared for responsible
environmental management