the turn of the 19
and 20
century in the
close vicinity of the Tsar’s palace and was
erected between 1889-1894 There is also
a complex of other noteworthy historical
buildings situated within the Park Palace.
Żurek, traditional Polish sour soup
It is a very popular soup in Polish cuisine,
with a slightly sour taste and prepared with
rye flour.
6 - heaped tablespoons of whole meal rye
6 - 8 cloves of garlic; crust of wholemeal
bread; vegetable broth or instant soup
About 300 g of smoked bacon or smoked
ribs; grained pepper salt, bay leaves,
4 grins of allspice; heaped tablespoon of
dried marjoram; hard-coked eggs - one
for each plate, white Polish sausage - a
half piece for each plate.
Pour flour, 3 - 4 chopped cloves of gar-
lic and a crust of bread into a stoneware
pot orjar, pour boiled and cooled water
onto it. The mixture should be liquid-
like thin pancake dough. Mix everything
thoroughly so that there are no lumps
left. Cover the pot with a linen cloth and
leave it in a warm place for a few days
Put smoked bacon into the pot with
cold water, boil for a few minutes. Add
vegetables and spices, cook for about
one or one and a half hours. Strain the
vegetable broth. Cut smoked bacon
into large cubes and pop them into the
broth. Add chopped garlic, marjoram,
bay leaves. Cook for a while and add
well-sieved ryemeal flour. Stir until there
are no lumps left. Simmer for about 15
minutes. Add the white sausages to the
soup and cook for about 10 minutes
Serve with hard-cooked eggs and di-
ced white sausage. You can add boiled
potatoes or serve zurek with bread.
The only
natural forest of its kind
left in Europe