General Manager of FCC Environment and the head
of the Lincolnshire incinerator plant
“We take regulations
and policies to protect workers
very seriously”
I n t e r v i e w
Q. What type of waste arrives at the
A. We usually receive solid urban waste
from the population in general.
Q. What is the impact of this facility on
the environment?
A. A minimum impact. In terms of conver-
sion, during the incineration process, by
controlling the machines and after having
secured all the environmental permits to
operate the plant, there are limits that we
cannot exceed in terms of emissions. We
treat the fluid gas produced during the inci-
neration process thereby generating a very
low level of emissions to the atmosphere.
Q. What type of safety measures have
been implemented at the plant?
A. We have an annual safety plan for com-
plying not only with the mandatory safety
standards in the United Kingdom, but also
those of the FCC division as well as specific
plan for the plant. We have a policy that we
must comply with, mandatory safety stan-
dards which we must respect in order to be
able to control all the activities conducted
at the plant. Whenever we perform mainte-
nance tasks to safeguard the systems, we
also have a specific safety policy. We take
these standards very seriously and have all
types of policies to protect the employees
working at this facility.
Q. Are the residents happy with the was-
te treatment?
A. Yes, indeed. There were very few ob-
jections regarding this project. There is a
citizens’ organization in the region which
frequently talks to us and are very proactive
and enthusiastic about the project.