Q. How does the community benefit
from this plant?
A. One of the most important environmen-
tal benefits is that the plant eliminates the
landfill sites from the region’s landscapes.
We are also producing renewable energy
through the incineration of waste, genera-
ting electricity. Although we are not currently
able to do it, we could distribute heat, such
as what we are doing at the Nottingham
plant where we recycle the heat generated
in the waste incineration process for hea-
ting the plant, making it more ecological
and environmentally friendly.
Q. What is the amount of energy genera-
ted by the plant?
A. We usually generate 13.5 megawatts
of electricity per hour and export between
11.2 and 11.8 megawatts to the national
grid. The remaining megawatts are used for
the operation of the plant.
Q. Then, does this mean that the plant is
self-sufficient energy-wise?
A. Yes, we consume about 1.5 megawatts
per hour in order for the plant to function.
Mark James at the entrance of the incineration plant.
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