Taste of
Białowieża Forest
Białowieża National
This amazing complex is located in the
north-east of Poland, in Podlaskie Voivo-
deship. The national park covers an area
of 3,000 sq.m.
Biatowieza National Park protects Bia-
towieza Forest the last natural forest of its
kind in Europe, which centuries ago stret-
ched across deciduous and mixed forests
zone. One of the characteristic features of
the park is its rich biological diversity. The
area of the Park is divided into two pro-
tected areas. Part of which is the reserve
area - which is under strict protection,
including the European bison Breeding
Center. The whole area of this area is clo-
sed and is under strict landscape protec-
tion. It is comprised of a closed breeding
reserve, two breeding reserves and the
European bison show reserve, along with
backup facilities and a free breeding area
The Park’s symbol is, of course, the Eu-
ropean bison - the largest land mammal
in Europe. Currently, Biatowieza Forest
comprises the most numerous free-living
population of European bisons in the
world. There are around 500 living in the
Polish portion of Biatowieza Forest.
Biatowieza National Park is also listed on
the UNESCO World Heritage List. Since
2010, Biatowieza Forest has been inclu-
ded in the Important Bird Areas List (IBA),
which is led by BirdLife International. The
area of the Park is also interesting with
regard to its history and culture. One fa-
mous structure within the park is the Park
Palace, with grounds covering an area of
50 hectares. The Palace was founded at
The symbol
of the park is, of course,
the European bison