built and managed by
FCC Environment
In Lincolnshire, FCC Environment energy
from waste (EfW) facility is the first plant built
by FCC Environment in the United Kingdom
with the “Energy to Waste” system that ge-
nerates electricity through the incineration
of residual waste from households, com-
mercial enterprises and industry and from
the combustion gases that are generated.
The incineration of this waste generates
steam which through a steam turbine is
transformed into electricity that provides
light to around 50,000 households.
The plant has a capacity for treating
150,000 tons per year of household, com-
mercial and industrial non-hazardous was-
te produced by the residents of Lincolns-
The Lincolnshire incinerator
hire County, one of the largest regions in
650,000 inhabitants
The waste transported to the plant is pro-
cessed to generate electricity which is then
exported to the grid and provides services
to a population of approximately 650,000
The incinerator that generates electricity from residual waste has a treatment capacity of 150,000 tons.