c o m m u n i t i e s
Lincolnshire, a region in England’s East Midlands,
reflects the splendour of the characteristic British
character with its gardens, forests, mansions and
medieval sights. Its landscape is the dream of any
cyclist, varied terrain where one can enjoy tracks
where horses ride as well as towpaths. The icing
on the cake is Lincoln Cathedral, a masterpiece of
Gothic architecture situated on top of a hill within
the city limits.
a land with character
Lincolnshire is in the eastern part of
England, bordering the counties Norfolk,
Cambridgeshire, Rutland, Leicestershire,
Nottinghamshire, North Lincolnshire, Nor-
th East Lincolnshire, South Yorkshire, East
Yorkshire, Northamptonshire and, lastly,
with the North Sea.
A lively landscape in the different areas of
Lincolnshire, immense clear skies and fer-
tile farmland; the characteristics that make
it a rich region. These characteristics that
make it a rich region also surround the im-
pressive mountain ranges in the Wolds and
Vales regions; highlight a chromatic mosaic
of dams and a nature reserve in Fens, en-
rich the small villages in the plains of the in-
terior and the coastal cities and, of course,
the tranquil and award-winning beaches
that with each step in the sand create a
unique attraction for tourists who visit the
area every season of the year.
The diversity of the region makes one un-
derstand that a vital part of the economics
of Lincolnshire is its rural nature. Surroun-
dings that evoke a magnificent cultural and
historical heritage such as the cities and
hamlets of Lincolnshire where the past of
the county is part of a fascinating heritage.
Its manor houses, castles, and the towers
of its churches evoke an undeniable literary
and historical heritage.
The capital
A good example of all of these traits is the
city of Lincoln. The capital of Lincolnshire
county, it is the best place to start the visit
to this county and the Lincoln castle and
cathedral, the third largest in England.
Lincoln was of great importance in Roman
times thanks to its vitality and rich history
and was the capital of Britain at one point
and one of the most important cities of the
country divided into seven kingdoms. The
city is currently the most important one in
the region being an administrative centre
and a commercial city. It is the ancient Ro-
man city of Lindum Colonia situated on the
banks of the River Witham.
With more than 2,500 km of public walks,
the city is a perfect rural tourism destina-
tion. The plains, the marshes and the hills
surrounding Wolds are spectacular. From
there, one can appreciate the sand swept
to the shore, the beautiful mosaic formed
by the farms, and the well-trodden paths.