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FCC’s 10 years

in Romania

Ramiro Fernández, ambassador in


I would also like to take this

opportunity to congratulate FCC Cons-

trucción in Romania for its 10 years in

this country. Throughout these 10 years,

the company has carried out important

work, infrastructure projects the quality

of which is recognised by local adminis-

trations and users. It is a good example

of the Spain brand and I wish them all

the success in the future.

Sébastien Picaut, Country Manager

in Romania:

We have created a recog-

nised brand over these 10 years; we are

a symbol of quality.

through different stages: at first, there was

somewhat of an impact at our arrival. Many

things are not the same as we have esta-

blished in our day-to-day work lives: We had

to adapt, but bit by bit, the collaboration of

Spanish personnel and Romania employees

has developed and today, collaboration is


Cristian Robert, engineer:

Romanians and

Spaniards are very similar in many aspect.

We have the same mentality, the languages

are similar, Spanish colleagues have integra-

ted very quickly in our country.

Claudia Mierlita, manager of Contracts

and Insurance:

Collaboration between lo-

cal personnel and Spanish personnel is very

good and, from my point of view, highly en-


Cristina Parvu, Sales manager:


mania is a country offering great poten-

tial in infrastructure development and,

considering the fact that FCC has made

a name for itself in this market, I perso-

nally believe that there will be another 20

years of major projects in Romania.

Amadeo García, Financial Manager:

This anniversary describes very well the

importance of our company’s presence

in the country. The recognition by our

clients of a job well done is what justi-

fies FCC Construcción’s long presence

in Romania.

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