What is the reason behind this project?
Our project was conceived to improve the
quality of life of the residents of this region,
an area with great tourism potential and a
population with very good work potential.
That is why we thought that through this 160
km/hour corridor, the possibility of having
tourists visit this region and the possibility of
the residents travelling to other areas would
be increased.
How many jobs were created thanks to
this project?
During the evaluation phase of the viability
Liliana Navrapescu,
I n t e r v i e w
“The corridor improves the quality of life and
increases the tourism potential of the region”
study and approximately 1,000 people are
working in the project.
What does the project entail?
FCC is building two sections as part of the
European Railway Pancorridor: Sighisoara-
Atel and Atel-Micasasa. For us, Romanians,
this is an innovative project. Firstly, becau-
se we had not refurbished the railway in
the same line. We improved the layout and
Head of the CRF (Romanian National
Railway Company) refurbishment project
are building two railway tunnels, something
that had not been done in Romany in many
What does FCC contribute to the pro-
Great experience in the construction of tun-
nels being built in each of its projects.
How many people will benefit from the
refurbishment of this line?
Considering the length of the line currently
under construction, from Simeria to Sighi-
soara, the population that will benefit from
the new line being built will be from two to
three million inhabitants.
h e p l a c e