A reference in recycling
Managing 13 household waste recycling centres for the Hull City sand East Riding of
Yorkshire city councils, three waste transfer stations, and handling the treatment of
waste to convert it into fuel, FCC Environment is becoming a reference in the recycling
industry. It recently won one of the National Recycling Awards in the Best Partnership
Project category for the restoration and recycling of bicycles at the HMP Rochester
and Abacus Furniture Project.
ture frame), Councillor Symon Fraser, East
Riding of Yorkshire Council portfolio holder
for asset management, housing and envi-
ronment, and John Black, Hull City Council
portfolio holder for council infrastructure
and responsible for recycling.
FCC Environment was represented by se-
veral people, including Richard Belfield,
Group Development Director who said at
the inauguration that the aim of this initiative
was to recover the maximum number of
reusable items taken to the Household
Waste Recycling Centres. The waste items
will then be transformed into valuable re-
sources thereby significantly reducing the
amount of materials and products that end
up in the land fill sites.