Coinciding with the Virgin of El Pilar holiday and the Día de la Hispa-
nidad, the FCC Environment branch office of Aragón-La Rioja parti-
cipated in the flower offering to the Virgin of El Pilar, contributing a
panel made with white carnations with the corporate logo of the FCC
Citizen Services Group.
Several employees, accompanied by family members, wearing the
regional costumes paraded with flowers along the streets of the city
offering to the Virgin, according to one of the workers, “our day-to-
day work not only the one performed by the Aragón-La Rioja branch
office, but also by those who work in all the different parts of the
world where FCC operates”. We are in cities, building them from
within, sharing traditions with the members of the community. We
are doing this together” he said.
The FCC Medio Ambiente
de Aragón-La Rioja
branch office participates
in the flower offering
to the Virgin of El Pilar
in Zaragoza