FCC collaborates with Fundación Prevent
in the Entrepreneurs’ Classroom Program:
Learn and Undertake
“The source of success for the inclusion in
the workforce of people with disabilities is that
it becomes a pillar of the corporate culture”
Montse Moré,
director of
Fundación Prevent
Once again, FCC participates for yet
another year in the Entrepreneurs’ Clas-
sroom Program: Learn and Undertake”.
The initiative is promoted by Fundación
Prevent, an entity with many years’ expe-
rience in the field of employment of those
with disabilities, with the collaboration of
ESADE and the active involvement of lea-
ding private companies, including FCC.
We interviewed Montse More, director of
Fundación Prevent, who highlighted the in-
terest of organizations in learning and ma-
naging disabilities correctly, at the same
time, stressing the importance of pressing
ahead with training and information, with
policies and their values since the basis for
the success of the incorporation of people
with disabilities in the workforce is that this
must become a pillar, an essential part of
the corporate culture.
At Fundación Prevent you work in pro-
moting and contributing to the incor-
poration, social and in the workforce,
of people with disabilities and, in this
context, you contact companies such
as FCC to promote the preventive cul-
ture, increase social awareness, and to
promote more responsible and safer
work environments. What is the cu-
rrent panorama of the Spanish corpo-
rate world, taking into account that
there is a law that specifically encoura-
ges hiring people with disabilities? Are
new management models and work
environments required in order to
make the incorporation of people with
disabilities a reality?
Your interview is an example of the pro-
gress achieved in recent years in the com-
munity and, consequently, in companies,
with regards to the incorporation in the
workforce of people with disabilities.
One of the most important changes is the
interest shown by organizations to learn
more about and to manage disabilities co-
rrectly; in my opinion, this is the reflection of
a more mature society, better informed, and
with greater awareness. In this respect, the
greater understanding of disabilities in com-
panies has made it possible to take a major
step, form the individual or exclusive mana-
gement of a job held by a worker with a di-
sability, to disability management that is
more across the board and inclusive, that
goes beyond the specific job, considering
aspects such as the work environment and
corporate language, training, recruitment
policies, etc.
In my opinion, based on our experience
and work at Fundación Prevent, I would say
that there is a greater willingness on the
part of companies not only to hire people
with disabilities, but also to manage the di-
sability in a better way.
Nevertheless, it is essential that we conti-
nue working on training and information, in
policies ad in values, to create a new cultu-
re as leverage for change. There are two
external factors that have also had a positi-
ve impact on stimulating this change: the
professionalization of management of the
entities or foundations working in the field of
disabilities (third sector), which has impro-
ved communication, and working closely
with private companies to apply corporate
criteria for its management, maintaining its
social purpose.
Another factor is the number of students
with disabilities in universities in the acade-
mic 2014-2015 year: 21,577, a significantly
higher number than the 8,230 who were
registered in the 2009-2009 academic year.
The enhanced academic preparation of
these young people fit the profiles required
by companies.
In short, we have a scenario where compa-
nies have a greater knowledge of disabili-
ties and are more willing to hire workers
with disabilities; a more solid bridge or link
connecting the third sector with private en-
terprises and professional profiles that meet
the demand in the market; an ideal situation
so that the rate of employment of people
with disabilities can improve in the medium
term (35% unemployment rate in 2013 –
National Institute of Statistics data, or
62.4% when we talk about young people
with disabilities (source, a study by Funda-