Thanks to the quick intervention of a plumber working
for the water service in Mérida, a life was saved
The name of FCC Aqualia
at the summit
of the Catalan Pyrenees
The actions taken by Celedonio Chamizo
were crucial for saving the life of a woman
who fainted in an unpopulated district of
this capital of Extremadura. The decided
action of Celedonio prevented the tragic
outcome. He has received public praise and
the local police mentioned him in their Face-
book wall.
Jesús Coma, head of the Roda de Ter (Barcelona) and Anglès
(Girona) services, participated in a mountain bike race in the Ca-
talan Pyrenees, known as the Transpyr, which runs from Roses
(Girona) to Pont de Suert (Lleida) and is divided into three phases.
During his participation in this race, Jesús wore a maillot bearing
the company’s logo.
The race stretches over a total of 360 kilometres with an accumu-
lated slope of 7,500 metres. Transpyr is a unique event in moun-
tain bike races as is recognised as one of the most attractive ra-
ces worldwide.
The next target of the head of the service is to complete the entire
Transpyr race, a route with a two-person team in seven stages on
the south slope of the Pyrenees from Roses to Hondarríbia (Gui-
púzcoa), a distance of 780 kilometres, and a positive accumula-
ted slope of 18,000 metres.
The race poses a sports challenge for cyclists who must be very
well trained. The mountain bike route avoids roads and asphalt
and stretches over the least known and most beautiful landscape
of the Pyrenees. Even though cyclists with a medium, medium-
high level can participate in this route, Transpyr incorporates
some very tough uphill sections, some technical stretches, and
even that require getting off the bike.
The woman fainted after taking medication
in an unpopulated district near the Casa
Verde Hospital. Celedonio was the first to
help her and to request help from the poli-
ce. After medical help arrived, her condition
was stabilised and she was transferred to
the Hospital in Mérida. Celedonio Chamizo
Justo, who works as a plumber in the Mu-
nicipal Water Service of Mérida has been
working in this sector for 41 years, 15 of
these as an FCC Aqualia employee. Even
though the woman’s condition has impro-
ved, Celedonio remains in contact with her
family to keep track her recovery.
Undoubtedly, actions like these that go be-
yond the public service provided by FCC
Aqualia on a day-to-day basis in many ci-
ties and towns are a source of satisfaction
for everyone.
In the photo, the protagonist of this news item.
Recognition letter from the local police de-
Jesús Coma celebrating when he reached the goal at Pont de Suert.