FCC, the Citizen Services Company,
provides its environmental services in
more than 5,000 municipalities scatte-
red throughout the world where serves
28 million people and collects over 12
million tons of solid waste per year.
In Spain, FCC Environment is present
in 3,300 municipalities in which more
than 8.5 million tons of urban solid
waste collected generated by a popu-
lation of over 18 million inhabitants.
In Central and Eastern Europe, FCC
is present through FCC Environment
CEE (formerly ASA) and provides ser-
vices in 600 municipalities and collects
garbage from a population of 2.5 mi-
llion inhabitants.
In the UK, where it operates under the
name of FCC Environment, is present
in 900 municipalities and provides ser-
vices for collecting solid waste to a po-
pulation of 4 million inhabitants.
In other countries where FCC Environ-
ment is present (Egypt and Portugal),
the Citizen Services company per-
forms garbage collection services in
21 municipalities, serving a total popu-
lation of 3.5 million.
Present in
more than 5,000
ration of oil and gas, soil decontamination
and other environmental services.
Since 2010, FCC has managed Alabama’s
oil treatment plant residues, the only plant
of its kind in the Gulf of Mexico. It is located
in the area where the highest concentration
of gas oil platforms in the country at sea
In December 2014, Houston’s city council
(Texas) awarded the company the contract
for handling and final disposal of all bioso-
lids or sludge from the treatment plants in
the city and surrounding counties. The 30
million euro contract is for a period of five
years. This contract was the first one of
the Citizen Services Group in USA after the
Heritage-Crystal Clean local company sold
its business of collecting and recycling used
industrial oils, in the North-American cou-
ntry, for 70 million Euros in October 2014.