Guest Column
By: Antonio Escudero Pérez
Manager of the Corporate Security Department
Corporate Organization Department of FCC
The psychologist Abraham Maslow states:
“…we all need support and to have an or-
derly and just environment, lacking physical
and psychological danger. If we feel insecu-
re, we cannot think about anything else...”
Acting in accordance with this quote, FCC,
through its Corporate Security Department
(DSC) has as its main objective the protec-
tion of FCC workers and property. To this
purpose, it must provide the organization
with tolerable security levels that enable
the normal conduct of the Group’s activity
without hampering its functioning and, at the
same time, neutralising all the possible risks
that it be subjected to, being the main un-
derpinnings of this protection, identification,
anticipation and prevention.
DSC has established as the basic pillars for
fulfilling these objectives:
A comprehensive approach, with the
coordination of the various dimensions
of the Group’s security: Corporate
Security (people and installations), In-
formation Security, Work and Medical
Defining a Global Corporate Strategy,
with Internationalisation, Simplification,
and Process Optimisation models that
support the Business Areas in the im-
plementation and creation of a new
structure in the country.
Coordination with Public Administra-
tions to achieve the highest level of
integration and to ensure the collabo-
ration with Authorities.
Identification, anticipation, and pre-
vention of threats and risks to facilitate
the incorporation of workers in their
jobs and the social integration of their
Try to have all FCC employees assu-
me the self-protection concept. We
believe that it is very important to align
the security concept in a practical way,
disseminating recommendations to
help our employees travel more safely.
Recommendations on security and
protection for personnel travelling
3.1. Preparing the trip
Find information about your destina-
tion before travelling: check the go-
vernment sites such as the Ministry
of Social Affairs or in the International
SOS website.
Protection of FCC employees
and property
Abraham Maslow: “…we all need support and to
have an orderly and just environment, lacking physi-
cal and psychological danger. If we feel insecure, we
cannot think about anything else...”