efficient technological services, user-friendly,
at competitive prices, and potential genera-
tors of new job profiles.
Accordingly, FCC’s Environment Division
has been working for years on defining and
monitoring tangible indicators to confirm
the technical solvency of the organization in
the responsible use of resources (water and
energy) and in the transformation of waste
into new material and energy resources all
of which will contribute to minimising GEI
In this way, we can have the appropria-
te management tools to face the risks and
opportunities that will affect the evolution of
our business as we move towards Horizon
Offering our clients the added value of
efficient environmental management
Identifying and monitoring the envi-
ronmental externalities associated
with urban services.
FCC’s determination to be recognised as a
leader in the design and exploitation of the
most appropriate environmental solutions for
the transformation of cities into sustainable
communities is based on the definition and
quantification of several relevant indicators
that measure and translate the environmen-
tal performance of the services rendered.
This makes it possible to define the envi-
commitments acquired, all aimed at impro-
ving relevant aspects, such as: The energy
efficiency of the services rendered, reduction
of GEI emissions, recycling of the potential
waste material and energy, and the preser-
vation of water resources.
So as to be able to access the ongoing im-
provement of the sustainable environmental
management that we offer and to monitor
Environmental externalities
and the carbon footprint
The chapter on Smart Services in the following link shows the evolution of each indi-
cator from 2011 to 2013:
http://fccma.es/sostenibilidad/huella-ambiental/ronmental balance of our negative and po-
sitive externalities in terms of environmental
Hence, we can study how to improve the
economic-environmental efficiency of the
services offered and to wager on technology
and good practices adjusted to the medium
and long-term demands of our clients.
Since 2007, FCC has been calculating the
overall balance of the externalities of the ser-
vices provided by means of the ce2d® te-
chnology which is based on GRI indicators.
On the basis of this environmental audit,
subject to annual verification, the Environ-
ment Division has been able to identify the
environmental repercussions of its activities
and assess the level of compliance of the