g u e s t
c o l u m n
Check that you have all the details on
your trip: information on flights, hotels,
transport, and contacts, etc.
Check your documents: visas, insu-
rance, authorization letters or invita-
tion, necessary permits and other.
Copy, scan or photograph all you
important documents and have them
available at your email mailbox.
Check the medical aspects on your
destination with the Medical De-
3.2.Personal and cultural alertness
It is important to be alert and assume inte-
llectually that we are in surroundings different
from hours to avoid being involved in emba-
rrassing situations or even danger: how to
greet someone, the meaning of signs and
body language, courtesy (we should know
at least a couple of words in the local lan-
guage), the customs, being careful of what
we say, ensure that it is a safe place, the
right time to be at that place, etc.
3.3. Low profile
Don’t call attention to yourself. What could
be considered normal in one country could
be a sign of wealth in another and could
attract attention.
Don’t attract attention:
do now
show money, jewellery, credit cards,
cell phones or cameras.
Avoid eye contact with strangers;
nevertheless, maintain eye contact
with policemen or security guards.
Avoiding eye contact might raise sus-
Avoid talking too much with stran-
if you have any questions, ask
somebody wearing a uniform.
Dress appropriately depending on
the circumstances.
Try not to look
like a tourist.
Don’t leave your valuables on display.
Be discreet when talking on the pho-
ne, don’t talk loud.