that there is a car accident and ask
for help. If there are people inside the
car who cannot get out quickly, such
as children or old people, you should
tell your aggressors.
Illegal detentions, kidnappings:
people who are just passing through
a country are not usually subject of
kidnappings. All kidnappings where
a ransom is demanded are planned
carefully. Avoid routine. Keep alert
in case someone is watching you. If
you think that someone is watching
you, try to find refuge in a safe place
and call the police and the FCC Se-
curity Department to ask for advice.
The best opportunity to escape from
being kidnapped if the kidnappers are
not armed is when it occurs. Make as
much noise as possible and try to
escape. If they are armed or threa-
ten you, don’t resist and collaborate.
If they put you inside a car, they will
probably cover your eyes and ma-
ybe even your ears. Try to calculate
the distance and the route to have
an idea where they might be taking
your. Focus on your surroundings
and on the kidnappers and on what
you can feel, see, listen, and smell.
This will allow you to concentrate on
something constructive.
Social tensions, uprisings:
any demonstrations, avoid them and
plan different itineraries. If tension in-
creases, stay in your hotel and don’t
go out in the street. If you have to
go someplace, such as the airport,
select the safest route. Avoid places
where disturbances could occur,
such as government buildings, em-
bassies, etc. It is important that you
are aware of special dates, such as
election periods or Friday evenings
after prayers in some Muslim coun-
tries. Sports events can lead to vio-
lence and give rise to disturbances.
inform yourself before-
hand of potential terrorist targets. Te-
rrorists choose different targets, such
as governments, the army, transport
infrastructures, embassies, etc. and
in other occasions, they can try to
cause as much harm as possible in
highly populated areas. Keep alert
always and report bags that are left
abandoned or suspicious questions.
If you hear a loud noise, be distrustful,
especially if you are in a hostile en-
vironment. React rapidly and protect
yourself behind something solid. If a
bomb explodes or there is shooting
nearby, the first thing to is to find pro-
tection, for example, in a building. Be
careful with shrapnel and rubble and
if have no place to hide, lie on the
ground. Look to see where people
are fleeing and this will give you an
idea of where the attack took place.
Try to go quickly to a safe place. Try
to stay low or even crawl so that you
don’t become a target. One of the
methods used by terrorists to cau-
se as much harm as possible is to
launch a second attack after the first
one, usually with emergency services
as their objective. Don’t go near the
place where the attack took place or
near the peace-keeping forces that
arrive at the site. If you are with other
people, try to stay close to them and
leave the danger area and seek a safe