The Faculty of Medicine of the University of
Valladolid and Fundación Mapfre, through its
Health and Prevention Department, organi-
ze the Health and Work Seminar every two
years the main objective of which to promo-
te a forum for dialogue and to discuss the
main novelties and issues of interest in our
country regarding health in the socio-work
This sixth edition focused on promoting
health and on the function of the individual
in self-care, as well as the role of companies
as health-promoting agents at work and in
Juan Carlos Sáez de Rus, the FCC Director
of Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work par-
ticipated in the debate on “The company as
an agent for promoting health” along with
other colleagues from national and interna-
tional companies. The topic was the impor-
tance of the implementation by companies
of healthy work surroundings and the benefit
that this implies for the companies.
The investment in these types of programs,
according to numerous studies, has a mini-
Health and
Work Seminar
The challenges
of promoting
mum return of 2 to 5 times the sum inves-
ted, excluding the level of satisfaction of the
company’s workforce and the impact on at-
tracting and retaining talent.
The representatives in the round table dis-
cussion talked about their experiences in
good practices and mentioned, as an exam-
ple, the work that FCC has been carrying
out for some time. Juan Carlos described
the healthy food and lifestyle programs being
developed by Andalucía II, a regional branch
of the Environment division.
The topics discussed in other round table
discussions included:
“The individual in charge of their
health” with the presentation of demo-
graphic and epidemiological data on
the Spanish population. Among the
items discussed were dreams, health,
and neuro-happiness, and one of the
participants was Ignacio Ara Royo,
from the High Board of Sports, who
we had the pleasure of meeting pre-
viously in our Las Tablas headquarters
at the presentation of the FCC Healthy
Company project during the Safety
and Health Week.
“Strategies and Initiatives in the pro-
motion of health”, with proposals of
the International Labour Organization
(ILO); the presentation of the strategy
for promoting health and prevention of
the National Health System which pro-
poses the gradual development of ini-
tiatives to improve health and prevent
disease, injury, and disability; and the
presentation by the National Institute
of Safety and Health at Work (INSHT,
Spanish acronym) on the Spanish Net-
work of Healthy Companies within the
framework of the European Safety and
Health Strategy 2014-2020 of which
FCC is part which focused on the De-
claration of Luxembourg which FCC
endorsed this year.
“E-HEALTH: the technological evolu-
tion in health improvement” dealt with
the development of new technologies
which has given rise to a new para-
digm in health and the patient, with the
population connected to internet in-
creasingly more frequent. The applica-
tions of new information and commu-
nication technologies related to health
were discussed all of which are part of
the term “e-health”.
You can watch some of the interesting pre-
sentations in the Fundación Mapfre website.
w e l l - b e i n g