Annual FCC Environment Meeting
on the
Prevention of Occupational Hazards
For the purpose of analysing results, define
common guidelines, share good practices
and promote cohesion, the FCC Environ-
ment annual meeting on the prevention of
occupational hazards was held on 10 and
11 December at the Las Tablas corporate
headquarters. Technicians and coordinators
from the Prevention of Occupational Hazards
(POH) areas from the 17 FCC Environment
regional offices and from Central Services,
as well as representatives from the Medical
Departments, participated in the event.
Going over the results achieved in 2014,
work absenteeism and accident data during
the year were discussed, analysing the trend
over the last few years, and analysing the
causes of the most serious accidents in or-
der to learn from them and to implement the
necessary corrective and preventive measu-
res to prevent their recurrence.
The FCC Environment Strategic Road Safety
Plan for 2015-2018 was also unveiled. The
plan details the main risk factors to which
workers are exposed in the course of their
activity and a series of preventive measures
that could be implemented to reduce the
rate of accidents.
The Medical Departments of FCC explained
the importance of implementing mandatory
medical checkups at all worksites and also
discussed the problems in processing disa-
As an example of a job well done in well-
being and in promoting good health, the re-
gional branches presented the initiatives ad
good practices developed over the course
of 2014. The work carried out by the Andalu-
cía II and the Aragón-La Rioja branch offices
were of particular interest. The latter recently
obtained the Healthy Company Model certi-
fication grated by AENOR.
FCC Central Services, in the last part of the
first day of the seminar, described the main
lines of activities in safety and health for the
next few years. At the end of the session,
they analysed the results obtained in the in-
ternal and external audits.
In the second day of the seminar, a guided
field trip was organised at the Las Dehesas
Biomethanisation Plant facilities where the
managers explained to the POH technicians
and coordinators the details of the process
and the main safety measures that were im-
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