Corre por
el Niño 2014
100 race numbers for
the 4
Popular Race organized
by the Niño Jesús Hospital
Once again, FCC participated in the popular solidarity race known
as “Corre por el Niño 2014) (Run for the sake of the child) organised
each year by the Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús de Madrid
by distributing 100 race numbers to FCC personnel.
The race (4 or 10 km) took place on 9 November at Madrid’s Re-
tiro Park. On this occasion, it was organized to raise funds for the
hospital’s research projects and for creating a clinical training program
for medical professionals.
From FCC, 66 employees and direct family members signed up and
participated in this popular race. Of these employees, 28 were wo-
men, 10 of whom participated in the 10 km circuit and the remaining
18 in the 4 km race. Of the 38 male participants, 24 ran the 10 km,
circuit and 14 the 4 km race.
This year, the participation of FCC employees was three times more
than in the previous edition of this race.
Funding for four research projects
Thanks to the funds raised in 2013, it was possible to fund 4
research projects:
“Multi-parametric electrical brain monitoring in the Pae-
diatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) with Amplitude EGG
and EEG Video”
, to investigate the consequences of serious
children’s diseases in the central nervous system.
“Soluble Rage formula in patients in the PICU for serious
. The project was designed to obtain information
on the inflammation markers in serious infections.
“PICU Online”,
to facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of
paediatrics patients with serious pathologies in hospitals lac-
king a PICU.
“Early Haemofiltration in patients with bone marrow
Bone narrow graft transplants from haema-
topoietic progenitors trigger an inflammatory reaction. In or-
der to improve its treatment, the use and applicability of early
haemofiltration in these children will be studied and analysed.