In Benalmádena, FCC employees con-
tinue to be actively involved in initiatives
aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and
work habits. Dr. Pilar de Lara Durán, from
the FCC Malaga Medical Department, and
Laura Garrochena, an expert on Occupa-
tional Hazard Prevention in the Andalucía II
Branch Office of FCC Medio Amien, have
launched several initiatives in line with the
Healthy Company; initiatives that were
enthusiastically received by the personnel
of the cleaning contract in Benalmádena.
After participating in the “A million steps”
campaign (more than one million, in fact,
the number of steps in several of the or-
ganised walks and routes were 2,061,424),
enjoying the talks of “the grocery list” (lear-
ning about the labelling of products and
food) and “Mealtime” (learning about the
basic principles of food), the participants
created exquisite “tapas” in the “Healthy
Tapas” campaign and participated in the
Mindfulness seminars.
in Benalmádena (Malaga)
“Because I’m Happy”
Everyone who participated in this project
recorded a video out of their own initiative
for which they feel very happy.
Physical exercise, healthy eating habits,
and adopting healthy habits for physical
and mental wellbeing produces results and
contribute to enjoying life and what it offers
much more. The staff at Benalmádena is
very aware of this.
Physical exercise, healthy eating habits,
and adopting healthy habits
for physical and mental wellbeing
produces results