Communication Network- Nº24 - page 70

There are many areas that can be develo-
ped besides promoting good eating habits,
health campaigns, and physical activity. As
Plato said, starting always is the most im-
portant part of work, to which we can add
that unless we try, failure is always certain.
It is not a question of providing discount
vouchers for a gym or providing healthy
lunches in the dining hall since this would
be a very superficial vision in this respect.
What healthy companies actually do is to
promote a change in the attitude of their
employees, motivating them to improve
their health and creating the right environ-
ment so that they can achieve this.
FCC, a healthy company
work, motivation and participation.
Increases the rate of retaining ta-
lent and diminishes staff turnover.
Improves the corporate image for
workers, for companies, and for
the communities where these are
Reduces the cost of social health
services, social security, and insu-
rance and contributes to improving
the quality of life of citizens.
Improves the environment, pollu-
tion, access to transport and indus-
trial parks, access to safe jobs, etc.
The European Agency for Safety and Health
at Work makes the following recommenda-
tions for applying WHP programs:
It does not make any sense to
apply a WHP program without
offering at the same time a safe
and healthy work place. WHP is
principally based on a health cul-
ture and requires appropriate risk
WHP goes beyond legal requisites;
it is based on voluntary actions by
both parts.
WHP can succeed only if it is inte-
grated as a permanent component
in all corporate processes.
WHP requires the active com-
mitment of both parts: the com-
pany, by offering healthy orga-
We have already started, have made pro-
gress and we should be able to take a
qualitative leap to ensure that WHP of em-
ployees is another line of work included in
the Strategic Plan. It is really necessary to
promote a change in the attitude of emplo-
yees, motivate them so that they improve
their health, and create an adequate envi-
ronment so that they can achieve it.
Achieving this change and motivating
employees while providing the necessary
means for living a healthy life necessarily
implies the need to design transversal
strategies throughout the different com-
pany departments. This strategy should
include awareness-building, information,
and specific action proposals.
We have defined our mission and vision
as follows:
Encourage and promote well-being
with the active participation of emplo-
nizational and environmental
conditions; and, employees, who
must be actively involved in the
Lifestyle is the worker’s option.
The worker can be encouraged
but can never be forced to chan-
ge his habits except if they harm
other people.
Involvement in WHP activities
is voluntary, although it should
take into account that adopting
a healthy lifestyle is for one’s own
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