Page 45 - FCC 120 years
P. 45

1990 2000

 We advance towards sustainability with

 the first ecological solid waste trucks                      Construction work began on
                                                              the Puerta de Europa towers
                                                              on Plaza de Castilla in Madrid,   In 1992, Construcciones
 In Madrid we began using the very first ecological solid urban waste collection trucks,   a landmark architectural   y Contratas, S.A. merged
 powered by liquefied petroleum gas to considerably reduce noise and pollutant gas   complex with inclined   with Fomento de Obras y
 emissions.                                                   towers each measuring 144   Construcciones, S.A. (FOCSA),
                                                              metres in height positioned   to create Fomento de
                                                              symmetrically over the Paseo   Construcciones y Contratas,
          Puerta de Europa towers. Madrid.                    de la Castellana thoroughfare.   S.A. (FCC).


 In 1993, Portland Valderrivas,   The Las Fuentes Bridge over   Spain's first high-speed   The Higher Architectural
 S.A. integrated its industrial,   the River Ebro, built by FCC   railway was launched   Council of Spain bestowed
 cement and concrete   as part of the 2nd Zaragoza   between Madrid and Seville.   its 1993 Spanish Architecture
 production operations with   Arterial Belt Network, won   Our company played a major   Award for the best project of
 Cementos Portland and   the Construmat 91 Award   role in the project, with the   the period 1991-1992 on the
 Cementos Hontoria, giving   as the best civil engineering   construction of the two   Seville-Santa Justa railway
 rise to the Cementos Portland   project of the year.  terminal stations, Madrid-  station in the Andalusian
 Group.                             Atocha and Seville-Santa   capital, which likewise
 We were the first Spanish          Justa, as well as various   received an accolade from
 construction company to be         sections of the track.    the Ministry of Public Works,
 awarded the AENOR quality                                    Transport and Environment.

 El Alto cement plant in Morata de                                                       San Marcos leachates
 Tajuña. Madrid.                  Santa Justa station, Seville                           treatment plant. Guipúzcoa.

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