Page 47 - FCC 120 years
P. 47

FCC’s “Mar del Teide” floating
 dock began operations, to
 In 1998 Esther Koplowitz   be used for caisson works
 signed a partnership with   of various sizes and depths.
 Vivendi, a global leader in   It was employed for the
 urban services, with the aim   construction of the ports at
 of developing FCC in particular   El Rosario, in Fuerteventura,
 in the environmental services   La Gomera, Santa Cruz
 and integrated water cycle   de Tenerife, Villagarcía de
 management sectors.  Arousa, in Pontevedra,
 Almeria, Tarragona, Palma de
 The Group made inroads into   Majorca, and Igumenitsa in
 a new sector with its first   Greece.
 Mar del Teide floating dock.  dam upkeep contract.

 Between 1979 and 1999 we   Madrid City Council gave its   Compressed Natural Gas quick filling
 built 128 treatment plants.  urban development award   station. Manoteras. Madrid.
 to the northern junction of
 The Sóller Tunnel opened in   the M-40 motorway, built
 Palma de Majorca.  by FCC. It covers a length of
 7,730 metres, and as all the
 1996 saw the start of the   M-40 junction branches are
 drinking water supply and   one-way, it required Spain’s
 water treatment service for   first ever four-level traffic
 the city of Oviedo provided by   junction.
 the joint venture FCC Aqualia
 Oviedo.   We built several sections of
 the Madrid-Lleida high-speed
 train line.
                                                                                                Drinking water treatment
 Water service vehicle in                                                                            plant. Salamanca.

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