Page 48 - FCC 120 years
P. 48

During the decade we were
                                                                                         We were the first Spanish               awarded our first contract in
                                                                                         environmental services                  the United Kingdom for solid
                                    EMALGESA service vehicle.                            company to receive AENOR                urban waste management
                                                                                         certification for our urban             and treatment in the
                                                                                         sanitation quality systems.             counties of Herefordshire and
                                                              Empresa Mixta Aguas de                                             Worcestershire.
                                                              Algeciras S.A. (EMALGESA)   The third runway at Madrid-
                                                              was set up in 1995 as a mixed   Barajas, now officially named      The laying of the high-speed
                                                              economy enterprise to handle   Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas        train line between Madrid
                                                              water supply and drainage   Airport, entered service.              and Barcelona led FCC to be
                                                              in the city of Algeciras, with   At 4,440 metres in length         awarded works comprising
                                                              Algeciras City Council holding   it is Europe's largest, with      a total of 123 kilometres   Esther Koplowitz became the
                                                              a 51% stake, and Aqualia   FCC playing a key role in its           of track, as well as the   controlling shareholder of FCC
                Solid urban waste collection
                       service. Madrid.                       49%.                       construction.                           Zaragoza-Delicias station.  in 1998.                Esther Koplowitz.


                                                              By the close of the decade   FCC, in partnership with             Barcelona Airport International   The launch of the waste   location and identification
                                                              the FCC Group's drinking   other companies, was                   Terminal.                  collection contract service for   systems.
                                                              water supply companies     awarded the largest civil                                         the districts of central Madrid,
                                                              were providing a service to   engineering tender conducted                                   awarded by the City Council
                                                              a population of close on 3   to date in Spain: the 50-year                                   to FCC, involved the inclusion
                                                              million people, with an annual   concession for the Madrid                                   of the most modern vehicles                          Street cleaning service in
                                                              volume of 250 million cubic   radial motorways R-3                                           yet to perform the task,                             San Sebastian. Guipúzcoa.
                                                              metres. At the same time,   (Madrid-Arganda del Rey),                                        with a fleet of 330 trucks
                                                              operation and maintenance   R-5 (Madrid-Navalcarnero)                                        transporting 3,200 tonnes
                                                              contracts for waste and    and a section of the M-50,                                        of waste per day. Of these,
                                                              industrial water treatment   totalling some 100 kilometres                                   60 vehicles were powered
                                                              plants covered a population   of roadway.                                                    by compressed natural gas,
                                                              equivalent of 8 million                                                                      performing selective waste
                                                              inhabitants.                                                                                 collection with reduced
                                                                                                                                                           atmospheric and noise
                                                                                                                                                           pollution, while furthermore
          Drains cleaning. Salamanca.                                                                                                                      being equipped with satellite

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