Page 40 - FCC 120 years
P. 40

1980 1990                                                                                                                                                                 Tunnel-boring machine at work on the

                                                                                                                                                                                    Madrid Metro. Pacífico-Oporto section.

          FCC at the forefront of national and

          international innovation
                                                                                                                                                                                     Aqualia began business in
                                                                                                                                                                                     Almeria in 1981 with the
          The 1980s was a period of major change. Our Group dedicated itself to innovation                                                                                           maintenance and operation
          and technological progress with a major impact on the activities undertaken by its                                                                                         of the former Costacabana
          business areas, and a successful strategy in efficiently managing resources and reducing                                                                                   waste water treatment plant,
          environmental impact.                                                                                                                                                      and has since 1993 managed
                                                                                                                                                                                     the Almeria Municipal Water
                                                                                                                                 Solid urban waste                                                              Costacabana waste water treatment
                                                                                                                                 collection. Toledo.                                 Service.                   plant. Almeria.


          The 1st General Highways                                                       We undertook work to                    In Zaragoza we opened a   We embarked on international
          Plan was launched, with FCC                                                    convert the Cinco Llagas                waste incineration site for   expansion in the Services area
          laying numerous sections                                                       Hospital in Seville into the            special products, sludge   with the contract for solid
          of roadway throughout                                                          Andalusian Parliament                   treatment and a secure    urban waste collection and
          Spain, covering more than                                                      building. Some years later,             special industrial waste   street cleaning in Caracas,
          1,000 kilometres.                                                              the project received the First          holding facility.         Venezuela. In subsequent
                                                                                         Refurbishment Award at the                                        years we won contracts
          Bailén in Jaén was the site of                                                 Seville Ibero-American Fair.            We were awarded the       to provide such services in
          the first industrial plant set                                                                                         contract for integrated water   Argentina, Colombia, Chile,
          up in Spain to produce fuel                                                    Urban amenities operations              management in the city    France, Mexico, Portugal,
          from agricultural and forestry                                                 began with the contract to              of Vigo.                  the United Kingdom and the
          biomass, solid waste and                                                       install, maintain and handle                                      Dominican Republic.
          dregs.                                                                         advertising services at more
                                                                                         than 2,000 bus shelters
                                                                                         in Madrid.
                                    Collection of urban waste                                                                                                    Drinking water treatment plant.
                                    in Caracas. Venezuela.                                                                                                                       Vigo.

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