WWTPs and 18 pumping stations, treating
an approximate flow of 16 million cubic
In 2016, Aqualia also won the contracts
put out to tender for the cities of Caspe,
Tauste, and Alagón in Aragón.
FCC Aqualia currently
manages 24 WWTPs and
18 pumping stations in
Aragón, representing an
annual flow of 16 million
cubic metres.
The Bajo Cinca WWTP (Fraga, Mequi-
nenza y Zaidín)
The Fraga plant has the capacity to treat
water for an equivalent population of
16,000 and an average daily flow of 5,500
cubic metres. It has two wastewater pum-
ping stations on the right and left banks
of the River Cinca which pump part of the
wastewater treated at the WWTP.
The Mequinenza WWTP treats wastewa-
ter of a 1,500 population equivalent and
has an average daily flow of 500 cubic me-
tres. The contract awarded has a term of 3
years and is worth a backlog of 1.3 million
euros (with the possibility of a one-year ex-
With these new contracts, the Company
bolsters its positioning as the leading pla-
yer in wastewater management and ope-
rations in Aragón where it manages 24