In the sanitation field, Aqualia has incorpora-
ted three new plants: one in Madrid and two
in Aragón. In the latter autonomous commu-
nity, the Company is the leading operator in
water management and treatment.
Aqualia, a company specialised in the design,
construction and operation of all types of
sanitation infrastructure, manages 445 was-
tewater treatment plants in four continents. In
this regard, the company significantly helps
to improve the quality of life in areas where
it works.
Along with its experience in sanitation and
purification projects, the company develops
different R+D+i initiatives to apply new tech-
nologies to these processes.
FCC Aqualia
bolsters its leadership in
wastewater treatment
Aqualia, the FCC Company
engaging in water mana-
gement, closes the year
by incorporating three
new contracts. Its road
map is full of new ini-
tiatives and the Company
is present and participa-
tes in the major global
events on comprehensive
water management.
La Gavia WWTP in Madrid
Canal de Isabel II has awarded Aqualia
the operation and maintenance service
for the La Gavia Wastewater Treatment
Plant (WWTP). The 4-year contract is
worth a total of €11.5 million.
The La Gavia WWTP features the most ad-
vanced technologies, making it one of the
most modern and largest facilities in Spain.
Designed to treat an average of 2 m
(172,800 m
per day) for a population equi-
valent to 1,353,000 inhabitants, the plant
consists of a highly advanced re-use system
that will allow for treated water to be used
for agricultural and industrial uses as well as
park and garden irrigation The La Gavia wa-
ter treatment plant treats wastewater from
the two La Gavia (Gavia I and Gavia II) water
collectors and the surplus from the La China
(South Collector) water treatment plant.