Based on the experience acquired during
the construction of Line 1, in July 2015 FCC
was awarded a contract for building Line 2 of
the Panama Metro System. Expected to be
completed in 44 months, the budget for the
project amounts to 1,857,708,728.90 dollars.
The project consists of a 21 kilometre-long
elevated section with 16 stations strategica-
lly placed from San Miguelito (north) to Nue-
vo Tocumen (east).The initial capacity is for
16,000 commuters per hour in each direc-
tion, with 21 5-wagon trains each designed to
transport a maximum of 40,000 passengers
during peak hours.
The strategically situated metro stations are
in San Miguelito, Paraíso, the intersection of
Via Cincuentenario, Villa Lucre, El Crisol, Bri-
sas del Golf, Cerro Viento, San Antonio, El
Parador de Pedregal, Don Bosco, Universi-
dad Tecnológica de Panamá, Las Mañanitas,
Hospital del Este, Altos de Tocumen, 24 de
the first Central American city with
an urban metro
Line 2 of the
More than two years ago, FCC Construcción
completed building Line 1 of the Panama Me-
tro system. This line was the first metro sys-
tem built in Central America and its purpose
was to offer residents an alternative means of
transport to avoid the traffic congestion affec-
ting Panama City and surrounding areas..