During the last two weeks of December,
over 1,000 tonnes of single stream ma-
terials coming from the city of Dallas and
from University Park were received and
process at the new recycling plant which
started operations on 2 January.
Processing capacity:
• Up to 120,000 tonnes/year of single
• 25,000 tonnes/year of commercial
Term of the contract:
• 15 years with the possibility of ex-
tending it for another 10 years.
Main recycled products:
• OCC (old corrugated cardboard)
• ONP (old newspaper pulp)
• Glass
• Plastic containers: PET and PEAD
• Metal containers
The waste facility
in Dallas already
in operations
Videos Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The recycling plant measures 5,400 m
, the
office building a total of 840 m
, and the
workshop 300 m
, bringing the total size of
the facilities to 5.3 hectares, equal to the
size of eight soccer fields.
The contract also contemplates the crea-
tion of an information centre where FCC
personnel will explain to the residents of
Dallas the importance and benefits of re-
This contract was awarded in a strategic
location since the Dallas-Fort Worth area in
northern Texas, with a population of nearly
seven million people, is the fourth largest
metropolitan area in the United States after
New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles.
Key figures
FCC Environmental Services, the US sub-
sidiary of FCC Environmental Services, has
received the P3 Bulletin Award for the single-
stream Material Recovery Facility (MRF) on
the McCommas Bluff Landfill site in southern
Dallas, Texas in the category Best Waste/
Energy/Water Project.
The design was based on helping the city to
meet goals to increase waste diversion to: 40
percent by 2020, 60 percent by 2030, and 80
percent (“zero waste”) by 2040.
The P3 model that FCC proposed stood out
because it was the highest scored in all areas:
technical, educational, operational and finan-
cial, guaranteeing a positive financial value to
the City along the contract term. The panel
of judges for the award were enthusiastic
because the project provides a model for the
US for waste reduction in the future, offering
a strong and efficient solution to an increasing
problem in the United States.