Broom Awards 2016
The cities of Oviedo, Vigo, San Sebastian,
Granada and the towns of Laredo (Canta-
bria), Llanera and Colunga (Asturias) and
Almuñécar (Granada), where FCC Medio
Ambiente operates, were recognised by
Asociación Técnica para la Gestión de Re-
siduos y Medio Ambiente (ATEGRUS) in the
2016 Silver, Gold and Platinum Awards, gi-
ven to the localities that stand out for their
waste management and urban cleanliness.
The award ceremony, held on 16 June
during the International Urbanism and En-
vironment Fair (TECMA) 2016, brought
together several authorities and managers
form the sector. Mexico’s ambassador to
Spain, Roberta Lajous Vargas, and the am-
bassador from the Republic of Argentina,
Federico Ramón Puerta, presided over the
event accompanied by the managing di-
rector of IFEMA; Fermín Lucas, the general
coordinator of the Environment, Sustainabi-
lity and Mobility of the Madrid City Council,
José Antonio Díaz, the chair of the National
Association of Environment Public Compa-
nies, Rafael Arjona, and by Rafael Apraiz,
vice chairman of ATEGRUS.
La Concha Beach in San Sebastian benefits
from the reduction of CO