Christmas at FCC
During these holidays, FCC launched the
campaign “Esta Navidad te va a sonar a
cuento” a positive and participative initia-
tive which was conducted throughout the
entire Group worldwide.
The accent of this campaign was on all of
those who are part of FCC. The Group’s
employees in Spain and abroad were as-
ked to donate their favourite children’s
storybook to their local Red Cross and to
participate in the Christmas greeting by
putting music to the story and singing it as
a Christmas carol.
Many decided to participate, alone or with
their colleagues, to sing the Christmas
carol, not only in Spain but also in other
countries such as Panama, Costa Rica or
Bulgaria, sending their videos via their cell
phones to a specific WhatsApp number for
this occasion.
The objective of this simple process was to
facilitate the participation of all employees
who lack a computer at their work place.
The videos that were sent were hosted at
the www.
fccjinglebells.comwebsite where
they received thousands of votes. The most
popular ones were included as part of the
Christmas greetings that FCC sends to its
employees who were asked to share these
with their contacts.
For each of the many people who decided
to sing the Charismas carol for the holiday
greeting, FCC added another storybook for
the Red Cross. These, combined with the
large number of books that had been dona-
ted by the Company’s employees, brought
the total to X books worldwide.
In this way, all the employees who decided
to participate, one way or the other, have
contributed their grain of salt so that this
Christmas had a happy ending.
The “Esta Navidad te va a sonar a cuento”
initiative created a video teaser, a screen
saver adapted to the occasion a website
and a graphic campaign in order to reach
as many people as possible.
See Link