Esther Alcocer Koplowitz
in Bogota
at the presentation of Fundación Consejo
The chairman of FCC, FCC, Esther Alcocer
Koplowitz, was in Bogota for the presenta-
tion Fundación Consejo España-Colombia,
an event presided by the chancellor of Co-
lombia, Ángela Holguín, and the minister of
Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain,
José Manuel García-Margallo.
Chancellor Holguín and Minister García-
Margallo later welcomed the representatives
of the companies that are members of Fun-
dación Consejo España-Colombia, whose
chairman is Esther Alcocer Koplowitz.
Fundación Consejo España-Colombia is a
private non-profit organization which aims
to strengthen bilateral relations in all possi-
ble aspects: economic, business, political,
social and cultural.
“Thanks to Fundación Consejo España-Co-
lombia, we were able to launch this unique
foreign policy instrument that is based on
public-private collaboration which will also
contribute to deepen our bilateral relations
and to encourage contacts”, Minister Gar-
cía-Margallo said.